Fall Greetings! I managed to catch the boys on candid camera on Halloween night, though it's taken me a week to get these posted. It's been hard to get them to pose in their new clothes, although Gregor is sometimes willing to pose while doing gymnastics like standing on his head, and you might get Patrick to pose while dancing, but mostly it's hard to get them to hold still when a camera is pulled out. I wanted to show all of you their new outfits. It's a lot harder to find boy clothes available than girl clothes for Sasha dolls. Gregor is wearing a nice fall outfit by Beverly (Ebayer Bammd). I like how his shirt coordinates with the pumpkin. I have to say the pants are exceptionally well made with great details. Patrick is wearing a cute, I mean handsome (he'd probably never wear it again if I called it cute), school outfit by one of our favorite seamstresses, Diane Scarbrough (dfscarbrough). He'd look great bobbing for apples in this outfit don't you think? Except he might want to take the cap off first.
Anyhow, I caught them surrounded by candy and busily at work on their pumpkins. The onlooking pets are a coyote (artist unknown) and a bighorn sheep by Navajo potter, Louise Goodman, who is much better known for her beautiful coil pots. Patrick is still designing the face for his jack-o-lantern and taking some harrassment from Gregor, because his "pumpkin" is really a squash, but the color is nice. Meanwhile, Gregor is diving right in to cut his pumpkin open with MamaT's leatherman. I experimented with posting larger pictures this time. I'm curious to see how they turn out.
Happy Fall days to you all!
For today's parting link, here is Patty's site, who had some nice autumn clothes, mostly sold now, but nice to look at, and plenty of other clothes available to purchase or enjoy viewing. Be sure to check out George and Mabel's holiday.