Friday, August 7, 2009

Sasha Memorabilia Book 3: Paperdolls and ads

That is to say this is the 3rd entry on the memorabilia book, not the 3rd memorabilia book. I have only 2 photos to share with this entry. Don't forget to click on the photos if you want to see them more closely. The first shows MamaT's Sasha paperdolls. They really are more clear than they appear in the photo.

Going clockwise from upper left: 1) A paperdoll depicting Sasha Morgenthaler as a child by Ann Barden for the 2003 paperdoll contest with Charlene d'Entremont's clothing entries; 2) Gregor & Sasha paperdolls designed by MamaT herself. She had great fantasies of making lots of clothes for them, but never got as far as finishing their underclothes, so there they are in the nude; 3) Paperdolls MamaT colored from the 2000 paperdoll contest that were printed in the Friends of Sasha newsletter. A copy of the original is just below the color dolls; 4) in the center is a Sasha & Gregor by Albert Elia from the May 1996 Doll Collector's Magazine; 5) the winning entries for the Ann Barden paperdoll (which Mama T has not blown up to full size and colored yet), found in Doll Castle News, Nov/Dec 2003 (with lots of other Sasha articles); 6) Baby Sasha paperdolls from Doll Castle News May/June 2004 (artist not named); 7) and finally a very nice set of Sasha paperdolls designed by Harriet Shoup in 1992. MamaT was able to purchase these from Cecile St. Gelais. Dorisanne Osborn has copies of the Doll Castle News issues and Friends of Sasha newsletters. No doubt there were wining paperdoll contest entries printed in the newsletter almost every year.

The second photo shows a sampling of Sasha ads MamaT has collected. There are about 9 pages of them in all, so this shows about half of them, since you can't photograph both sides of a page at the same time.

The link for today is by Anne Dean and her friend Frances. It has some very cute Sasha photo illustrated stories and some great paper dolls for Sasha.


1 comment:

TaraC said...

Glad you enjoy it. We usually post a couple times a month. I noticed your link to Lionel trains. My husband likes model railroading, mostly HO scale though.